Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Asalaamu Alaykum :)
So Cairo is crazy. Crazy Cairo! Its been quite a ride - everyone is sooo super friendly!!! They want to know everything about you and its confusing/daunting at first but then when you jump into and use a little bit of arabic vocab it all works out and everyone gets habby (happy). My friends have been visiting from London, so I had a chance to explore the city with them a lot last week when no one except for Kate and Kathy were here. I even got to visit a hospital (supperrr long story)!! I had lunch with a sheikh, got a VIP tour of Al Azhar (the second oldest university in the world) and got to go to the top of one of the minarets with the most amazing view of the city. I taught yesterday and today - its amazing the students are so eager to practice that my class today went 20 minutes over time! Its so refreshing, because you can just start a lesson and take a back seat to watch the magic unfold. yayayay :)

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