Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why I love Cairo/Things I've learned...

1) I've been here for less than 4 days and boab (doorman) and I have already had a conversation about why he doesnt wear shoes...of coarse I dont speak Arabic and he doesnt speak english so his opinion of the conversation may be a little different.

2) When my luggage got lost the airline reprsentative told me that it would be delivered "Tomorrow". When i relayed this information to Jon and Kathy they laughed and explained that "tomorrow" means anytime after today. They were right.

3) There is no such thing as exact change in Cairo. Sometimes this works in you favor, sometimes it doesnt.

4) Headscarfs are cheap....very cheap. And wearing them helps to blend in.

5) Dont drink the water! Except inevitably you will- ice cubes/washing fruit/restaurants etc... And you'll live.

6) When you sit on the OLDEST chair in the universe thats lurking in the corner of the room and it breaks underneath you within your first hour in Cairo, someone WILL come to fix it...not that that happened to me or anything.

7) Every single man knows at least two things in english: "WELCOME TO EGYPT!!" and "BEAUTIFUL!"

8)Probably when your waiter asks you your name you shouldnt make the mistake of saying "Islam Sharon!" instead of the actual "Ismee Sharon"

9) Everyone loves tea. Drink it. Everyone will love you.

10) Waiters are pretty agressive about teaching you how to write in Arabic...

11) Taxis are cheap...and scary. And by scary I mean exciting!.....um......

....loving Cairo! Teaching starts tomorrow and I'm super excited. I'll be teaching two level 15's and one level 11 (out of 16). woot woot!!!

-Sharon W.

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