Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So, I need to renew my visa...

Ok, well, when I applied for my visa in the US, the consulate only gave me a month visa and told me that I would have to renew it in Egypt -easy right? Well, if it hasnt been that evident yet, Things that should be easy in this country usually have the tendency to be very complicated... So, I wake up about 8am so I can get to the 9am opening of the Mogama (The building I go to get the visa renewed). I get there, bright and early - go through security to enter the building - go upstairs to the 2nd floor, where I get a even more intense security screening. I wonder around the floor trying to see where the visa area was, but to no avail... I see this HUGE area with lines already 20 people deep at each station. (Just a side note, when I say lines, I mean masses of people - there are no formal lines) So, I ask "where is the visa extension area" and wouldn't you know it, it was the same area that the masses of people were at. I push my way through the line after about 30 minutes and being shoved literally halfwat accross the room by a lady who was probably 80 years old. I get to the window, only to be given a form and told to come back when I finished it... I finish the form, go to window again, to be asked for 2 photocopies of my passport and visa... so, off I go outside the building to find a copy machine - after another 20 minutes of wandering around the streets, i make the copies and head back. I finally get to the window a fourth time only to be told to come back in 2 hours... After a considerable time waiting and waiting... did i mention waiting? I finally go back, get in an even LARGER line to retrieve my passport. 4-5 hours later, I FINALLY get my visa and am on my way back to my apartment.

Walking back, I passed the same shop owner who asks me everyday to come into his shop and when I say no, he says "WELCOME TO EGYPT!!!" What I dont understand is that Ive lived here for almost 5 weeks and have told him many times that I in fact live right around the corner from him - yet he keeps going... I just dont understand! :)

Totally different from this story, I had the most wonderful meal of kosheri while waiting for my visa today, I must say - If you ever get the chance, please visit Egypt if for nothing else but the kosheri!!!



Anonymous said...

Ah geez, this was such a good read!!!

I'm Egyptian with a foreign citizenship and had to do the same kind of thing as you did so to stay in MY OWN country, and let me tell you, I had to go through the same madness as you did :D :D :D

Oh well, live and learn, it's part of our great experience on the motherland. :D

Now I don't have to go through this anymore.

I need to inform people who will read this, that if you live in Alexandria, then this experience will be much more of a pleasure rather than a chore :D. It will take you ....20 minutes more or less to go thru the procedures and then wait till they deliver your passport back to you. Easy as 1 2 3 and people are much nicer here than in Cairo and there ain't no traffic in there...that is if you come early :D

About Koshary, here in Egypt every city believes that its Koshary is the best but NEVER NEVER eat it from Alexandria. Cairo's is the best. :P

Try to eat MaHshy made with Sweetpepper or with Vine Leaves or eggplants ......aaahhhhhhh yum yum yum :P

Have a good one!


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