Monday, July 9, 2007

Student Love up in this Piece!

Great day! Today Hiba, Rachel and I headed to coptic cairo/old cairo (after a looooong breakfast/lunch obviously) to do some sight seeing before Hiba's class and my "office hours". We saw some amazing stuff and luckily ran into this guy who had studied in the states, spoke perfect english, and was super eager to tell us all about the coptic "hanging church" (read up on it, it will blow your mind!) We checked out some other churches and sites before heading to the community center. I hadnt really advertised that I would be around today so I wasnt expecting anyone to come in but two of my students did! One of them- Mary invited me to dinner at her house. I wasnt sure if it was a genuine invitation so i was like "Oh just ask your mom" to which she enthusuastically replied "I already did!" so woot woot for Egyptian food! I cant wait! Buchoy (sp?) is another one of my students and as soon as he sat down he was all business- "Ms. Sharon I want to talk about marriage in the United States of America". Woah. So we had this conversation about marriage in Egypt versus marriage in the States. It was pretty facinating. About 45 minutes into this convo we heard drumming and rachel and I were all "Woah whats that?". So Mary and Buchoy brought us along the winding paths that ARE coptic Cairo and we ended up in this tiny alley were 20+ students were standing in a circle around this older man who was teaching them to play drums! It was AWEEEESSOOOMMMEEE. I got to take some pictures and the students were just sort of smiling in that "oh you silly american!" way. It was very very sweet. And the teacher was just teaching away, while the students drummed away. Apparently they get these free lessons in exchange for playing on major holidays. Love it.

On another note, we finally had our apartment clean. Seems like the tub is ACTUALLY white. Who woulda thought!

with thoughts of love, peace, and lots of bottled water,
sharon w.


Anonymous said...

sharon it sounds amazing there im really happy that your doing all of this but i miss you so u should come home(not married) -anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon,
You look cute with that scarf. But please do not accept dinner invitations with strangers. Only go if someone goes with you. And please keep your phone charged.
MIss you, Mommy